Quality  /  Variety of Water

Variety of Water

Water is one of the key reasons for human survival and civilization in general. Water is considered to be the most important factor behind existence of life on earth. Human body is made of 70 percent of water, much of which is lost though urine and sweat, which is the reason why experts and nutritionists emphasise upon the need to be hydrated at all times. Water carries out many important functions such as flushing bacteria out of your body, aiding digestion, carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells, preventing constipation, maintaining the electrolyte (sodium) balance, etc. Water and its importance have been emphasized upon since centuries.  For instance, in India, traditionally people always offer a glass of water to anyone who comes home, be it a guest or a member of the family returning after a long day at work. The colourless and tasteless elixir of life comes in many types. Here’s a water guide for types of Water: Water is distinguished on the basis of its origin, consistency, composition and treatment.

Healing waters

Healing water also originates from an underground water source that is protected from impurities and must be bottled directly at the spring. Because of its vital minerals and trace elements, healing waters are attributed with healing, soothing or prophylactic properties. The effectiveness of these properties is scientifically verified and officially certified.

Natural mineral water

According to regulations on natural mineral water, spring water and table water in Germany, “natural mineral water” must originate from an underground water source that is protected from impurities. Furthermore, in order to guarantee the original purity to the consumer, it must be bottled directly at source. Since it contains minerals and trace elements, mineral water is considered to be an important nutrient. In fact, in Germany, “Mineralwasser” is the only grocery item that requires official approval in order to receive this label. Part of this official approval is an extensive examination process, including more than 200 individual tests. Only the extraction of iron and sulphur is permitted, for reasons of appearance and taste, as well as the extraction or addition of carbonation.

Spring water

Spring water also originates from an underground water source. Contrary to natural mineral water, it does not have to be originally pure, but must fulfill the same guidelines for chemical substances that are designated by the German drinking water ordinance. All official criteria must be met in the production of spring water. It underlies the same restricted treatment processes as mineral water.

Table water

Table water is not a natural product, but a mixture of diverse kinds of water and other ingredients. There are no official regulations for its mix of ingredients. Table water does not need to be officially approved. References to a particular geographic origin and information about its chemical composition are not permitted, as table water can be produced and bottled at any location. In order to prevent confusion with natural mineral waters, the names of table waters are neither permitted to have the term “natural” in them nor can they claim to originate from any particular well or spring.