Quality  /  Certifications

We are always prepared to be checked.

We believe that independent reviews by certification bodies (such as SGS Institut Fresenius) provide a good foundation of trust in a product and a company. For this reason,  we annually subject our targets and attainment levels in various areas such as sustainability, environment and energy to audits.The quality of our products are stringently tested and fulfill organic quality with stricter requirements, which are much higher  than the statutory minimum requirement.

IFS - International Featured Standard

When it comes to food safety, IFS Food is one of the most important standards with uniform requirements for the manufacturing process or the analysis of products from the food industry. All companies of the HassiaGroup meet this standard. In order to obtain this certificate, the entire production process of the products ,the analytics and the guarantee of protection of the food chain (food defense) are checked annually. Since 2007 Hassia Mineralquellen has a quality management, which is certified according to this Standard.

Energy and environmental management according to ISO standards

Since 2015 we already have an energy certification according to the ISO standard 50001 for all 8 locations of the Hassia Group. With this certification, we undergo audit for our savings targets and the planned increasing in efficiency annually. We are thus constantly working to improve our carbon footprint and keep an eye on our emissions. 

In March 2017, we successfully passed the environmental certification 14001. Similar to energy certification, environmental certification also belongs to an internationally recognized standard system, which is developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). In terms of content of environmental certification includes, inter alia, the review of the relevant effects of our company on the environment, such as wastewater, noise or CO2. For this purpose, the key figures are then determined, monitored and defined with goals for improvement.

Sustainability and organic quality

Since 2016 our water brands Hassia, Elisabethen Quelle, Rosbacher and Bad Vilbeler Urquelle have been awarded the quality seal of SGS Institut Fresenius. This makes us one of the first German mineral water producer to meet the demanding criteria for premium mineral water with organic quality. The criteria to be met are diverse and consist of different analyzes of the products and packaging at our site, a comprehensive and holistic test program  and external audit(on-site inspections) of our suppliers.