
German Quality

Hassia acts today - for our tomorrow

Mineral water is a natural product. Hassia  has always been drawing mineral water from its own wells for more than 150 years. But tradition alone is no guarantee for sustainability. Today, climate change, dwindling resources and growing awareness of responsible consumption of our customer  determine our entrepreneurial actions for the entire Hassia Group, which currently consist of seven different companies.

Sustainability and organic quality

Since 2016, our water brands Hassia, Elisabethen Quelle, Rosbacher and Bad Vilbeler Urquelle have been awarded the quality seal of SGS Institut Fresenius. We became one of the first German mineral water producer to meet the demanding criteria for premium mineral water with organic quality. The criteria to be met are multifarious and consist of a comprehensive test program for our suppliers and at our company sites through different analysis of the products and  packaging (on-site inspections).


We believe that independent reviews by certification bodies (such as SGS Institut Fresenius) provide a good foundation of trust in a product and a company. For this reason,  we annually subject our targets and attainment levels in various areas such as sustainability, environment and energy to audits.The quality of our products are stringently tested and fullfill organic quality with stricter requirements, which are much higher  than the statutory minimum requirement.