Brands  /  Rosbacher


2:1 ideal for your body

Rosbacher contains calcium (2 parts) and magnesium (1 part) in a ratio ideal for the intake of these minerals. Consumed jointly and regularly, they positively influence the performance and the ability for regeneration.

This is particularly relevant for active people. With every drop of sweat, the human body loses minerals, among them, calcium and magnesium in a 2:1 ratio. Rosbacher is provided with these minerals in an ideal 2:1 ratio by nature and therefore quickly compensates the loss of these minerals.

Calcium : Magnesium = 2:1 ideal for your body

Because of its special mineralisation, Rosbacher is the beverage of choice for many amateur athletes as well as internationally successful top athletes, such as Michael Schumacher and Satoko Urata. Many prestigious sports schools, sports clubs as well as the "Olympiastützpunkt Hessen" (Olympic Training Centre of the German Federal State of Hesse) are devoted fans of Rosbacher.

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Highly-mineralized and outstanding: Rosbacher was rated “very good”

In its 6/2009 issue, “RUNNING – Das Laufmagazin”conducted a sports drinks test specifically for leisure and popular sports. Rosbacher Sport was rated "highly recommendable".

The outstanding quality and high mineral content of Rosbacher Mineral Water as well as the social and ecological sustainability of its bottling plant are regularly checked and validated by SGS Institut Fresenius.

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Product Line

Rosbacher Naturell and Classic PET 0.5L

Rosbacher Naturell and Classic PET 1.5L

Rosbacher Naturell and Classic Glass 0.75L